Stress can be both clandestine and insidious. Often, we
don’t realize it’s there, as it sneaks up on us like the preverbal frog in hot
water, until it overwhelms us. Yet, at the same time, undetected stress can
have a very measurable and deleterious effect on cardiovascular health, immune
function, weight, mood, and psychosocial functioning. At the same time, the
number of ways to battle stress are about as numerous as the effects. While the
efficacy of these methods vary widely, certainly the introduction of almost any
type of pet therapy has been demonstrated to improve mood, lower anxiety
levels, and boost overall sense of wellbeing.
Decreased Hypervigilance: Hypervigilance is about an
exaggerated startle response, feelings of fear or persecution, and a
physiological activation. In this state, the person presents a very interesting
scenario to a horse. Horses too can have hypervigilance, however there’s is
always related to something in the present. Humans, on the other hand often
experience, in the now, the physiological effects of something that happened in
the past. In the horse and human relationship, a person with hypervigilance
that is rooted in the past will often cause the horse to adopt a protective
nature toward him/her. Not only does this behavior interrupt any dissociative
symptoms the person may be experiencing, but also, simply being in a horse’s
presence in this way, induces calm.
Experiencing Authenticity: Horses, unlike humans, only know
how to authentic, and consequently, want humans to be this way as well. That
being said, horses will often act with people in ways to make them more
authentic, such encouraging expression of hidden anger (by pushing boundaries),
hidden grief (by protecting, as described above), or hidden power (by
responding willingly), and therefore more whole. For most people, this is an
incredibly calming experience.
Uncovering Hidden Feelings and Thoughts: People can have
many hidden feelings and thoughts that correspond to them. As these things may
be lodged in the unconscious, experiencing a relationship (with a horse) that
illuminates behavioral patterns that are being acted out, but not fully
understood, can often help identify the emotional roots of this misunderstood,
or conflictual behavior. Once these things are brought into the conscious
awareness, not only do they cease to create conflict, but the anxiety attached
to them is lowered.
Establishing a Healthy Relationship: While a healthy
relationship can be a subjective concept, certainly we know when we are
invalidated, hurt, shamed, or not accepted. As horses only know to accept us as
we are, the feelings that are often linked to an unhealthy relationship can be
resolved, and the experience of a unique authentic relationship can
dramatically lower the stress — especially that which is attached to any
unhealthy relationship patterns.
Increased Sense of Power and Control: Horses have, for all
of history represented power, and when a person can begin to communicate
effectively with a horse, and begin to have some influence over the way the
horse responds, that sense of power is shared.
While it may never become a “mainstream” approach to stress
management, for those people who own and love horses, they can be no better